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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The capture of Muammar Khaddafi

Those people are not better than the captured. I'm a moslem and felt deeply disturbed with the yelling of Allahu Akbar over torture and slaughter of a helpless old man. This was not act of moslem toward a prisoner. I don't see who is the captured. I see a person. A beaten person which clearly unable to defend himself. I believe in Islam, even in war, we should show compassion by not doing such evilish acts. I believe there's a lot of patriotic stories of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and his followers which were able to mantain their humanity and compassion even towards captured enemies. I strongly believe, the example of compassion  set by the Prophet that lead people to fall in love with Islam. I remember the story of Sultan Shalahudin(Saladin). He and Richard the lion were great enemies. Yet they both able to show humanity and respect towards each other as leaders, as commanders. This noble attitude resonated through out their soldiers. So there were fierce battles, huge losses on each sides, yet, it was their nobility that keep them human.
I urges everyone not to see brutality in these videos of the captured Khaddafi as the face of true Islam. It's not. Those acts were acts of revenge that were not correctly channeled by their leaders. I guess even their leaders were confused of how to do so.
My deepest sympathy to all Libyan. Although i fear the future is not up to their expectation, i do wish them better future without a tyrant.
Dear brothers and sisters in Libya, remember how Khadafi was greatest hero decades ago and today he is greatest evil. Please learn from that. Do not forget Khadafi's journey from low level soldier to become number one in Libya and finally inhumanely slaughtered. There's huge lesson in that dear brothers and sisters. 
Peace for you all.
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